Monday, May 19, 2008

Too long since last post...

I had really intended to maintain this more but realized today, I am WAY behind. Thomas is 16 months old, walking, talking and generally getting into everything. He is pretty excited to move to Italy where he will attend real Montessori (hopefully) instead of the American Montessori we were going to enroll him in in NC this fall.

He is very much enjoying his friends at playgroup, which he has been attending since 8 months old! There are a few new members that he likes to initiate by hitting them. Boys will be boys!

Soon we will be starting Mommy & Me class gymnastics. That ought to be interesting! Will give us a good way to kill time prior to the move. I am also looking into a weekly Zumba class and drinks afterward with my friends. That promises to be a great time!

This week Thomas is enjoying being at the beach and swimming and playing with his cousins. It'll be back to business at our house next week with no grammy to entertain him:(