Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Chopper #2 Reporting for Duty

Sunday evening Thomas' second tooth decided to make an appearance to much screaming and discomfort! Expecting more any time as the typical teething symptoms continue...

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Bath time is Thomas' favorite part of the day. Time to unwind before bottle and bed. He would play all night in there if we let him!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Poppy Returns

Bret returned home from his six weeks in Bahrain on Sunday (Sep 30)! Thomas seemed a bit confused at first, wondering who was invading our space, but he adjusted quite quickly. He can now hop on his pop once again (at least until the next trip)!

When It Rains, It Pours

So Thomas has decided to hit a bunch of milestones, literally, within days! It's hard enough keeping up with his baby calendar and baby book to record everything, never mind post every time. I'll try to cover them all at once here. He is crawling but still prefers pulling himself along. The creeping is faster because he hasn't quite coordinated the hand foot movements necessary for Yesterday he woke up from his nap, and I found him sitting up in bed looking over the rail at me. Needless to say, Bret immediately lowered the crib mattress. That was quite a shock! Lastly, this morning he decided to stand up all by himself. He enjoys playing in the laundry basket (I don't mind since it confines him for a short period of time.\!), so I put him in there, turned around for two seconds, and when I looked back he was standing proudly with a big smile on his face. The boy is trouble with a capital "T".

Actually, I forgot - he is officially eating regular food now. He is refusing baby purees in favor of tofu, cheerios, cheese, veggies, chicken, and crackers! Not really sure that is a balanced diet, but at least it's one he'll eat.